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一、Dakin v Oxley (1864) 15 CBNS 647



The question for us to consider is, whether a charterer whose cargo has been damaged by the fault of the master and the crew so as uponarrival at the port of discharge to be worth less than the freight, is entitled to excuse himself from payment of freight by abandoning the cargo to the shipowner. We think not: and we should not have taken time to consider, but for the general importance of the subject, and of its having been suggested thatour law was silent upon this question, and that the plea was warranted by the usage and law of other maritime countries, which, it was said, we ought to adopt .


It ought to be borne in mind, when dealing with suchcases, that the true test of the right to freight is the question whether the service in respect of which the freight was contracted to be paid has been substantially performed; and, according to the law of England, as a rule,freight is earned by the carriage and arrival of the goods ready to be delivered to the merchant, though they be in a damaged state when they arrive.If the shipowner fails to carry the goods for the merchant to the destined port, the freight is not earned. If he carry part, but not the whole, nofreight is payable in respect of the part not carried, and freight is payable in respect of the part carried unless the charterparty make the carriage of the whole a condition precedent to the earning of any freight –a case which has not within our experience arisen in practice . . .



Little difficulty exists in applying the above test where the cargo upon arrival is deficient in quantity. Where the cargo, without lossor destruction of any part, has become accidentally swelled (Gibson v Sturge 10 Exch 622), or, perhaps, diminished, as, by drying (Jacobsen’s Sea Laws, Book 3, ch 2, p 220), freight (usage of trade apart) ispayable upon the quantity shipped, because that is what the contract refers to. . .

In the case of an actual loss or destruction by sea-damage of so much of the cargo that no substantial part of it remains; as,if sugar in mats, shipped as sugar and paying so much per ton, is washed away,so that only a few ounces remain, and the mats are worthless, the question would arise whether practically speaking any part of the cargo contracted to be carried has arrived .

Where the quantity remains unchanged, but by sea-damage the goods have been deteriorated in quality, the question of identity arises ina different form, as, for instance, where a valuable picture has arrived as apiece of spoilt canvas, cloth in rags, or crockery in broken shreds, iron allor almost all rust, rice fermented or hides rotten.


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