电 话:86-518-85428011,85428029
传 真:86-518-85428026
邮 箱:chartering@panasialyg.com
邮 编:222024
地 址:连云港市连云区海棠北路188号大陆桥国际商务大厦B501-502
APL 通知
点击数:2746    更新时间:2017-5-22 8:21:14    收藏此页

19 May 2017

Container Guarantee Charge for Sensitive Commodities

Dear Valued Customer,

Please be informed that effective 19 June 2017, APL will be implementing a mandatory Container Guarantee Charge for cargo within the following scope:

Origin/Destination Commodities Fee (USD)
All origins and destinations.

Except Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, Crimea Region, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, USA, Venezuela, and Yemen
  • Hides
  • Cocoa butter
  • Cloves
  • Menthol
  • Ores & sand (in bulk)
  • Steel tubes / bars / pipes / plates
  • Tiles (extra heavy cargo – marble / stone / granite)
$25 per container

As a carrier undertaking shipment for the commodities listed above, APL’s containers and equipment are exposed to a higher risk of damage. While stringent measures are already in place to mitigate such risks, our containers continue to be subject to significant damages due to the nature of the transported commodities. 

As such, we seek your understanding that the charge has to be implemented for APL to continue to deliver the same level of service for such shipments. 

At the same time, please continue to ensure the necessary measures are undertaken to mitigate the possible risks during transportation while the containers are under your care. 

We thank you for your continued business and support. For more information, please contact your local APL representative. 


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电 话: 86-518-85428011,85428029   传 真: 86-518-85428026   
地 址: 连云港市连云区海棠北路188号大陆桥国际商务大厦B501-502 邮 箱: chartering@panasialyg.com
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