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agino Sans GB', 'Microsoft YaHei UI', 'Microsoft YaHei', Arial, sans-serif;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> The ordinary rule, in the absence of express or implied provision to the contrary, is that freight under a voyage charter is not payable until the cargo is delivered or tendered for delivery. That rule, which is reflected in the language of the printed form of the Gencon charter-party and elsewhere, does not depend onconsiderations which are in any way peculiar to voyage charters. It is common to all types of contract where the consideration is entire. The shipowner promises to deliver the goods at the contractual destination. If he fails to doso he has failed to earn his contractual freight. It matters not that the vessel and cargo have been lost by an excepted peril.


在《VoyageCharterChapter 13-Freight,13.2中描述如下:

13.2 In order to earn freight, the shipowner must, unless otherwise agreed, carry the cargo to the destination provided forin the charterparty and be ready to deliver it there. If he fails to deliverany cargo, no freight is payable; if he delivers part of the cargo loaded, itis payable only the part delivered.

      如果在租船合同中没有明确约定,那么出租人只有在交付了货物之后才享有运费的权利。为避免在长途航行中存在的不可预知风险,出租人必须对运费支付条款予以充分注意,否则一旦发生重大海难事故,导致船舶货物灭失,出租人将处于异常被动的局面,如前段时间因为机舱进水,导致沉没的“Sheng Ming”轮。


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电 话: 86-518-85428011,85428029   传 真: 86-518-85428026   
地 址: 连云港市连云区海棠北路188号大陆桥国际商务大厦B501-502 邮 箱: chartering@panasialyg.com
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