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tatus in the law. It is said to be inconsistent with the rule laid down in relation to the sale of goods and contracts for work andthere are two answers to this. First, the two rules have been running in parallel for over a Century without difficulty.

"As the argument for inconsistency with the rule prevailing in relation to the sale ofgoods, it is no part of the functions of this House or the judges to alter awell established rule or, to put it more correctly, to say that a differentrule is part of our law for the sake of harmonisation with a rule operating in a different field.

"But beyond all this, there is a decisive reason here why this House should not alter the rule approved in The Brede by reversing it; that is that the parties in this case have, I think, beyond doubt contracted upon the basis and against the background that the established rule is against deduction."



I understand that my conclusion is one which the defendant will struggle to accept, given the fact that goods were not delivered within the time frame he specified and he does not see why he should pay for a service which he did not receive. However, this ruling does not affect his ability to bring a claima gainst the claimant for the failures which he says occurred. I note that the defendant had been given an opportunity to bring a counterclaim but for reasons which do not need to be recited in this judgment he was not in a position tobring a counterclaim prior to this matter being decided today. It is, however,still open to him to bring a claim should he choose to do so after this has been dealt with.

Accordingly,for all the reasons set out, I find that the common law freight rule which provides that there can be no set off against freight does extend to carriage by air.


      在《Scrutton onCharterparties》一书中也说到,运费支付者无权从运费中扣除损害赔偿,但将有单独的损害赔偿诉讼理由,除非由除外风险或货物本身的瑕疵造成。

The freighter will not be entitled to make deductions from the freight for the damage, but will have a separate cause of action for the damage unless caused solely by excepted perils or by the vice of the goods themselves.




最后,简单提一下关于运费的另外一个问题。获得运费权利的真正标准是运费按合同支付服务是否已经实质性履行的问题;根据英格兰的法律,通常运费通过运输及抵达,准备就绪可交付给商人才赚取的,尽管货物在到达时可能处于受损状态。如果出租人未能将货物运送到目的地港口,则不能获得运费。如果他载运的是部分货物但不是全部货物,则无效支付未载运部分的运费,并且运费应就所运输的部分支付,除非租船合同将整个运输作为先决条件以获得任何运费,但在实践中所经历的并没有出现这种案例。对于此的解释可以参Willes法官在典型先例Dakin v Oxley (1864) 15 CBNS 647, 660 Courtof Common Pleas案中所作的陈述,如下:

It ought to be borne in mind, when dealing with such cases, that the true test of the right to freight is the question whether the service in respect of which the freight was contracted to be paid has been substantially performed; and, according to the law of England,as a rule, freight is earned by the carriage and arrival of the goods ready tobe delivered to the merchant, though they be in a damaged state when they arrive. If the shipowner fails to carry the goods for the merchant to the destined port, the freight is not earned. If he carry part, but not the whole,no freight is payable in respect of the part not carried, and freight is payable in respect of the part carried unless the charterparty make the carriage of the whole a condition precedent to the earning of any freight –acase which has not within our experience arisen in practice.

 VagresCia Maritima S.A. v. Nissho-Iwai (The “Karin Vatis”) [1988] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 330案中,上诉院的Lloyd勋爵在第332页判决书中说到,在没有明示或暗示的相反规定的情况下,普通规则是,在货物交付或投标交付之前不需支付程租合同的运费。该规则反映在Gencon格式的租船合同和其他地方的印刷措辞中,并不取决于程租合同所特有的考虑因素。对于所有类型的合同来说,考虑是完整的。出租人承诺在合同目的地交付货物,如果他未能这样做,他无法赚取合同运费,其与船舶和货物是否被除外的危险导致灭失无关。

电 话: 86-518-85428011,85428029   传 真: 86-518-85428026   
地 址: 连云港市连云区海棠北路188号大陆桥国际商务大厦B501-502 邮 箱: chartering@panasialyg.com
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