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may be, is not open to challenge.


Brandonof Oakbrook勋爵认为在适用抵扣规则的所有情况下,直至并包括TheAries案在内,出租人所依赖的违反合同的行为都被认为是对货物索赔的抗辩是不可抵赖的违反行为,导致部分损失或货物损坏或交货延迟。因此,在A/ S GunnsteinCo.K / S v. JensenTheAlfa Nord[1977]2 Lloyd's Rep.434案中,承租人声称有权扣除因出租人拖欠运费造成的损失,Roskill勋爵运用抵扣规则,在第436页判决书中说到:

We have to apply the well-established principle that there is no right of set-off for claims for damages for breach of charter,whether for loss of or damage to goods or for alleged failure to prosecute avoyage with reasonable dispatch or otherwise, against a claim for freight.


Brandonof Oakbrook勋爵认为Roskill勋爵在这段文字中使用的“或其他”一词,如果不在上下文中,可能涉及由于接受的拒绝而造成的损害索赔。然而,在Brandonof Oakbrook勋爵看来,Roskill勋爵并没有提出这种要求,而是指其他违反不可否认性质的合同。

Brandonof Oakbrook勋爵认为自1977年以来,针对抵扣规则已适用于与上述不同类型的非毁约性违约案件。在Cleobulos Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Intertanker Ltd. (TheCleon), [1983] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 586案中,上诉法院适用的规则是违反合同依赖的情况是船舶货物泵有问题,使船舶有必要离开一个卸货港并前往另一个卸货港。在Elena Shipping Ltd. v. Aidenfield Ltd. (The Elena), [1986] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 425中,Steyn法官应用了一项规则,即所依赖的是一些货物处所不适用因为缺乏通风设施而构成违约。

Brandonof Oakbrook勋爵认为似乎并没有出现在19世纪任何一个适用抵扣规则的案件中,为了打破这种规则,援引了衡平法原则。在The Brede, [1973]2 Lloyd's Rep. 333; [1974] Q.B. 233案中,由上诉法院提出并驳回了基于少交货和货物损坏的衡平抵消方式的辩护。在The Aries, [1977]1 Lloyd's Rep. 334; [1977] 1 W.L.R. 185案中,基于少交货,同样的辩护再次被提出并被本法院拒绝。然而,显而易见,在这两种情况下所依赖的违反合同又是一种非毁约性质的。因此,本案******次提出了这样一个问题,即虽然关于非毁约的违反航次租船合同的索赔不能以抵消运费的方式作为辩护理由,关于这种合同毁约的索赔,如果被接受,是否可以这么做。

    Brandon of Oakbrook勋爵认为经过对先例的分析后认为,承租人所认为的交叉诉讼不能作为合法抵消运费索赔的方式运作,正如之前指出的那样,基于非毁约违约的交叉诉讼,即货物短少。

There arecertain observations which I would make with regard to the passages from the speeches of Lord Wilberforce and Lord Simon of Glaisdale quoted above. First,the cross-claim of the charterers which they held could not operate as adefence by way of legal set-off to a claim for freight was, as I indicated earlier, a cross-claim based on a non-repudiatory breach of contract, namely,short delivery of cargo.


Brandonof Oakbrook勋爵认为,在TheAries案中,Wilberforce勋爵和Simonof Glaisdalein勋爵的陈词已经明确指出,如果出租人违反租船合同的行为具有非毁约的性质,如部分货物损失或损坏,则不会产生有利于承租人的衡平法足以覆盖既定的抵扣规则。本案中需决定问题是,如果出租人违反租船合同的行为具有毁约性,那么它是否确实会产生这种权益。

The speeches of Lord Wilberforce and Lord Simon of Glaisdalein The Aries make it clear that,when an owner's breach of charter-party is of a non-repudiatory character, such as partial loss of or damage to cargo, it does not give rise to an equity in favour of the charterers sufficient to override the established rule against deduction. The question for decision in the present case is whether, where anowner's breach of charter-party is of a repudiatory character, it does giverise to such an equity.


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